Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Saturday said those holding 'save merit' agitation should think about students, who are enrolled in open courses following financial strains.
"When I was coming here, some people were holding a 'save merit' agitation, we took cognisance of that also. This is the only government (state) that decided to pay 50 per cent fees of open courses students in 605 courses," the Chief Minister said while addressing an event here.
He asserted Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given 10 per cent reservation to 'poor' in open category.
"We not only gave scholarship to ST, SC, OBC but also to open students. Modi Ji gave 10 per cent reservation to poor in an open category. So, I urge those holding agitation (Save Merit), if you protest against this reservation, it means you are not thinking about poor of open category," he said.
The Chief Minister is currently on a 'Maha Janadesh Yatra' in the run-up to upcoming Assembly election in the state.