A new online dating app has been designed for those looking for a "throuple".
According to its website, 3nder, pronounced "threen-der", is for "all swingers, newbies, curious and experienced" who are "discriminated by society the same way gay people were 15 years ago," News.com.au reported.
You can sign up as a single person looking for a couple or as a couple looking for a third person.
"Threesomes made easy" is the promise by 3nder which is still in development stage.
The app is being developed by London-based entrepreneur Dimo Trifonov who says on the 3nder website that the app will hopefully expand people's views on sexuality and relationships.
The app allows you to set up a profile like other dating websites and what you are looking for.
It allows you to keep your identity hidden from friends and family so you can browse freely.