Today's fast paced life has left little time to seek happiness and peace, but people who are desperately in need of relaxation can look up to the beliefs of Tibetan Buddhism that guard a well-preserved wisdom tradition that modern science is only now catching up to.
Joe Loizzo, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and, told The Huffington Post that there's a growing understanding that we need to move back in the direction of the contemplative traditions that says slow down, pay attention, be kind, be at peace, whereas our modern wisdom has said that we need to just push forward and move into the future.
The Columbia-trained Buddhist scholar asserted that we're realizing that's not sustainable for us either as a civilization or for our individual minds and brains as it's wearing and tearing us down just like it's wearing and tearing the planet down.
Loizzo, founder of the Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science, has claimed that there are four essential lessons from the ancient culture that can help in your own pursuit of happiness.
Loizzo said that while meditation can help overcome negative thoughts and habitual emotional response, and live from a more calm, centered place, practicing compassion, at every moment, sends kindness to yourself, loved ones, community members, people you may dislike, and eventually, all beings.
Tibetan Buddhism also believes that the community is just as important an element as any other in living a happy, purposeful life and we require the support and love of others to achieve happiness.
Lastly, for complete happiness there should be no fear or denial of death, instead it should be embraced.