BJP MP from Hooghly Locket Chatterjee on Tuesday accused the ruling-TMC leaders in West Bengal of taking cut-money from people.
"Cut-money is taken by TMC leaders from birth till death. West Bengal Chief Minister has accepted that their leaders take it. TMC leaders from lower to upper level are taking it. Chief Minister had said to her party leaders to keep the 25% amount and give 75% to her," the MP said raising the matter in the Zero Hour in Lok Sabha.
The cut-money issue has become a raging issue in the stste in the last few days after the chief minister reportedly issued a diktat asking the party leaders to return the "cut" money they had taken from people.
Cut money amounts to a percentage of money that is illegally charged by elected leaders to the grassroots functionaries at the panchayat and local bodies level from ordinary citizens in return for delivery of services.