Trinamool Congress MP and spokesperson, Derek O'Brian on Wednesday ruled out any possibility of the Trinamool Congress showing any leniency towards the Bharatiya janata Party (BJP), as he said that the party will fight tooth and nail against all three-the BJP, the Congress and the CPI-M on an equal footing.
"Let me make it absolutely clear, that the Trinamool Congress not only in Bengal , but in other states is not only fighting against the BJP, it is fighting against the Congress, against the CPI-M and the Left. Therefore, there is no question of any back room deal, I can make it 100 percent clear on this. So all of these stories floating around are the figments of someone's very fertile imagination," O'Brian said.
The TMC leader also strongly asserted that his party will never beg from anyone.
"As far as Bengal package is concerned, we do not need to go to anyone with a begging bowl," O'Brian added.
Earlier, some newspaper reports suggested that there was a strong possibility that Mamata will agree to extend outside support to a Modi-led government in exchange for a generous financial package aimed primarily at easing West Bengal's debt burden.