Even as the nation still reels from a cash crunch post demonetisation, a small temple in Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore district was seen decorating its goddess deity with new Rs. 2000 notes as sign of celebrating New Year.
At least 5 lakh worth Rs. 2,000 notes were used to decorate Goddess Makaliamman.
Devotees thronged the temple in large number and offered prayers to the goddess.
The temple priest, Krishnamoorthy, said the goddess was adorned with new currencies as prayer for the country never to face a scarcity of cash again.
"This year, there is a huge shortage of bank notes but still we have decorated the temple. And, the purpose of doing so is to pray to god that this type of cash shortage never happens again," said Krishnamoorthy.
"There is a huge shortage of lower currency notes after demonetisation. Therefore, the temple deity has been beautifully decorated with rupees 2000 currency notes," said a devotee, Geetha.
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