The top US lawmakers have reportedly said that the terror threat which forced the closure of 19 embassies in the Middle East was reminiscent of the lead up to 9/11.
Georgia Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss said that it was the most serious threat seen in the last several years and reminder of the 9/11 World Trade Centre lead up, the New York Daily News reports.
According to the report, the State Department has issued a travel alert for the month of August in response to a possible terror threat by Al Qaeda.
Chambliss said that the State Department didn't take heed on 9/11 as it should have done, but now it is important to do the right kind of planning.
Although there are no specifics given to the threats, Chambliss said that some individuals are planning an attack and whether suicide vests would be used or whether they're planning on vehicle-borne bombs being carried into an area, it is not known.
However, Rep. Peter King said that intelligence officials had heard possible dates of the attack and it is most likely to happen in the Middle East at one of the US embassies but still there is no guarantee as it could even be Europe or the US and the Department needs to be ready for everything.
King further said that the most serious threats came out of Yemen, the report added.