The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is leading presently in the vote counting process in both Haryana and Maharashtra, where assembly polls were held recently, said Sunday that trends were along expected lines.
It said that the nation wanted good governance and development, a promise it has lived upto in the last five months.
"This was along expected lines, because the country wants good governance and development. If any party loses its focus from this, then they are going to lose the mandate of the people," BJP spokesperson Siddharth Nath Singh told ANI.
"And, this is what has happened in both Haryana and Maharashtra. The BJP has stuck to the narrative of development and good governance, whereas the other parties have just kept criticizing Narendra Modi," he added.
Another BJP spokesperson,Nalin Kohli, said, "In terms of popularity and charisma, the credit goes to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Otherwise, it is the blessings of the people, because at the end of the day, it is the people who decide," Kohli said.
Counting of votes for assembly elections in Maharashtra and Haryana began at 8 a.m., and final results are expected by this afternoon.
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In Maharashtra, the counting of votes is taking place in 269 locations, while in Haryana, it is being carried out at 57 places.
Trends are showing that the BJP is leading in 61 seats in Maharashtra and in 48 seats in Haryana, whereas the Congress is at third place in both states.