Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb has announced that state government will bear all the education-related expenses of Pralay Dey, a differently-abled student who secured first division in class 10 board examination.
Pralay, a resident of Gomati district, born with deformed hands, used his leg to write his exams and has secured first division marks in the class 10 board examination of Tripura.
The boy was felicitated by Tripura Chief Minister on Monday.
After meeting Pralay, the Chief Minister told ANI, "Stipend for Divyang students, scholarship, free higher education and other facilities will be given to him. The state government will bear his expenses."
Highly moved by Pralay's determination, Deb said that the boy is a living example of the English proverb 'where there is a will, there is a way.'
Pralay was born with hands folded backwards. When he was 15 days old his hands were plastered for three-and-a-half years as part of a treatment.
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Pralay's father Sujan Kumar Dey is a daily wage labourer while his mother Putul Guha Dey is a helper at an Anganwadi (ICDS) centre.
Despite writing the exam papers with help of his feet, Pralay has secured first division by scoring 346 marks in total with distinction in two language papers.
Determined to not let his disability define his capabilities, Pralay has been using his limb to write the exam papers instead of using any writer. In fact, he has trained his leg to write as good as others do it with their hand and faces all challenges with full confidence. The boy has dreamt of studying Humanities and become an English professor in the coming future.
Speaking to ANI, Pralay said, "My mother is an ICDS worker and father is a daily labourer, so financially it is tough for them to make me continue my education, moreover, I have a physical problem and I write with my leg. I got 346 marks in my 10 boards with distinction in two subjects. I want to study Humanities and become an English professor in future. I feel inspired when I see my teachers and that is why I want to enter into the teaching profession."
Worried about the financial condition of the family, Pralay's mother Putul thinks how she would meet the educational expenses of her son and a daughter who just appeared for her BA finals.
Talking about his journey so far, Pralay's mother said: "When my son was born we were all so worried that how are we going to look after him. Initially, it was very tough for me but soon he started writing with his leg and was doing well...His teacher and friends helped him a lot which is why he never wanted to miss school.
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