Tunisian 'Femen' activists have been sentenced four-month jail term over charges of carrying out topless anti- Islamist demonstration outside main courthouse.
The protestors, Margaret Stern and Pauline Hillier from France and Josephine Markmann from Germany were arrested on charges of attacking public morals and indecency, reports News.com.au.
According to the report, Femen's leader in Paris, Inna Shevchenko has expressed grave anger over the verdict and vowed that the group will carry out more such acts against the Tunisian government.
Shevchenko said that the verdict reflects the dictatorial character of Tunisia, which finds it easy to jail girls but doesn't allow them the freedom to do what they want with their bodies.
The activists were staging protests against the arrest of another Femen activits Amina's arrest on charges of protesting for women rights in Tunisia.
The report said that the women's french lawyer said that the verdict is a heavy sentence infringing on the freedom of expression of not just the girls but in general as well.
Femen, is a Ukrainian feminist group that uses nudity in protests and is known to create a lot of furor with its protests and demonstrations.