In the aftermath of the Malaysian aircraft MH17 crash, a tweet and a video that predicted the tragedy have surfaced on the internet.
According to the Mirror, a twitter handle titled News of the CPSU, tweeted a month before the incident actually happened that a plane carrying innocent European tourists will be shot down. The account described itself as the Order of the ?aranskoj Revolutions, Organ of the Central Committee of Liberty Creative Games conscience.
A video on YouTube, featuring a Nigerian preacher called T Joshua showed the preacher asking his congregation to pray for Russia. Joshua also warned the nation to watch their airspace.
Another prediction came from the famous Malaysian Chinese astrologer, Then Y Nang who said earlier this year that Malaysia will face severe natural calamities and loss of human life due to the presence of a star called San Bi. The star signifies loss of wealth and life. He had predicted the 9/11 attacks and the 2008 Sichuan earthquake earlier.