Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi on Friday said Santanu Saikia and Prayas Jain (former journalists) have been arrested for their alleged involvement in the leaking of classified documents from the Petroleum Ministry.
"Our investigation is underway...Two people have been arrested, Santanu Saikia and Prayas Jain. Both of them were some sort of independent consultants. One of them runs a website in which he used to put his analysis and its subscribers used it. These people have been operating in the energy sector," Bassi told the media here.
"It will not be correct to take the name of companies till the time complete investigation is done in that regard. Once we reach any definite conclusion, we will let you know. We had arrested five people last night and two more. Other people relevant in this case are also being interrogated," he added.
The Police Commissioner had earlier disclosed that those arrested were temporary multi-tasking staff in Shastri Bhawan and had been indulging in such activities for some time.
"These people used fake identities to enter the building, had duplicate keys, they stole the documents and photo-copied them," he added.