Maharashtra Chief Minister and Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray on Saturday announced Rs 1 crore from his trust for the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya.
Speaking in Ayodhya, Thackeray said, "Today, I want to announce that not from the state govt, but from my trust, I offer an amount of Rs. 1 crore for the construction of Ram Temple here. It is just a small contribution from our part."
Thackeray said, "It is an honour for me to come here. When I first came here it was not known when and how the Ram temple would be built here. I am here to seek blessings of Ram Lalla. It is my third visit in the last one and a half years. I will also offer prayers here today.
"I also wished to take a dip in the Saryu River, but as you know in the whole world these days there is an outbreak of coronavirus. And yesterday I urged people of my state to stay away from crowded areas. So I am not participating in the 'Aarti', but I will come back for it again," he said.
Thackeray also said that though he is no longer associated with the BJP, he is not separated from Hindutva.
BJP does not mean Hindutva, both are different, he added.