Former Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit on Friday said that the underprepared 'Odd-Even formula' put forward by the Arvind Kejriwal led-Government to curb pollution in the national capital will not be successful.
"I don't think enough preparation or enough understanding of the program (odd-even formula) that the Chief Minister is planning to implement is yet known to the people," Dikshit told ANI.
"How is it going to be implemented? Are you going to stop the car as you say that you are going to fine Rs. 2000 every time you make a mistake? Who is going to do the fine? They say that volunteers are going to do that. How are the volunteers are going to do that?" she added.
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"There will be chaos. I think people need to know what is to be done. The whole thing does not give you the confidence that it will be successful," she further said.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had yesterday formally unveiled the blueprint for the introduction of the Odd Even Formula, for vehicles that will ply in the city and those coming in from the National Capital Region (NCR) from January 1 to January 15, 2016.
Addressing a press conference, Kejriwal said, "The government alone can't fight pollution; it needs the support of the people too. This initiative by this government has received all approvals. Even the Lieutenant Governor has approved this scheme. A notification will be issued on Monday."
"Pollution is major problem and an important issue for all of us. Yesterday was the most polluted day in Delhi. Our initiatives over the last few days shows we are moving in the direction of fighting pollution," he added.
Chief Minister Kejriwal also said that the ambitious odd even formula will kick in from January 1 and last till January 1. It will be effective from 8 a.m to 8 p.m the violators would be fined Rs. 2000. The formula would not be applicable on Sundays.
The Delhi Chief Minister also informed that the vehicles of the President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Speaker of Lok Sabha, Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha, Governors of states/ Lt Governor, Chief Justice of India, Union Ministers, Leaders of Opposition in Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha, Chief Ministers of states except Delhi, judges of Supreme Court and High Court, Lokayukta will be exempted from the odd-even rule.
He further said that the emergency vehicles, ambulance, fire, hospital, prison, hearse, enforcement vehicles, vehicles of paramilitary forces, Ministry of Defence, pilot and escort, vehicles of SPG protectees, vehicles bearing diplomatic corps registration numbers and those on way to hospital for a medical emergency carrying proof, would also be exempted from this rule.
"CNG vehicles which will have to display the certificate, electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles and women drivers with a male child up to the age of 12 will also be exempted from this rule" he added.