The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of the Uttar Pradesh Police on Thursday conducted a raid at the residence of former Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd (UPPCL) Managing Director AP Mishra in connection with the employees' provident fund scam.
Mishra was reportedly arrested on Tuesday in connection with the case.
So far, two other officers have been arrested in the matter related to the alleged investment of Uttar Pradesh power employees' provident fund money in scam-hit Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Limited (DHFL).
According to available records, Rs 2,631.20 crore of employees' General Provident Fund was invested in DHFL out of which Rs 1185.5 crore has been returned by the finance company.
A total of Rs 1491.50 crore of Contributory Provident Fund was invested in the company out of which Rs 669.30 crore has been received by the trust and DHFL is allegedly yet to return Rs 2267.9 crore (principal amount) of GPF and CPF to the trust.