The US military academies appear to be struggling to come out of the traditional paradigm of military training when it comes to the addition of modern day warfare which majorly includes the 'cyber battleground'.
According to the Washington Times, a new study has revealed that the most prestigious of US military academies are 'struggling' to integrate cyber education into the curricula of graduate courses and 'prepare senior military officers to lead in the cyber age'.
Researcher at the Pell Center for International Relations at Salve Regina University in Newport, Francesca Spidalieri said that there is little doubt that the military conflict in the future will contain a cyber component, yet the training of US' next generation of military leaders remains locked in time.
Spidalieri said that the military is still focused on the traditional military paradigms and traditional rules of war and too often failing to convey an understanding of the underpinning of the new digital battlefield.
Air Force Maj. Gen. Brett Williams, director of operations for US Cyber Command said that Spidalieri's research shows that the security forces are yet to effectively integrate cyberspace operations into professional military education, the report added.