Senior advocate Prashant Bhushan on Saturday said that the Uttarakhand flood scam shows that certain corrupt officers were not concerned about the tragedy and were looking only to profit during the 2013 mega disaster.
"It is clear that the Uttarakhand government has lot of corruption. This scam shows that the corrupt officers were not concerned about the tragedy and were looking at their own profits. This matter should go to the high court and the activists who took up this matter should go to the high court and appeal for a CBI inquiry," Bhushan told ANI.
According to reports, during the 2013 disaster in Uttarakhand, when lakhs of people went hungry, officials of the state government were busy utilizing Rs. 7000 per day allowance given to them for supervising relief efforts.
When the state was struggling for two meals in a day, the officials had a normal day diet of mutton chops, chicken, milk and cottage cheese.
An RTI reply has revealed a scam in the allowance claims made by the officials involved in the rescue and relief works.