West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday described former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee as a truly great statesman who richly deserves the honour of the Bharat Ratna being bestowed on him.
"Happy that Atal Ji is being conferred Bharat Ratna today. A truly great statesman who richly deserves honour. I wish him well..." she tweeted.
President Pranab Mukherjee will present the Bharat Ratna to Vajpayee today at the latter's residence in Lutyens' Delhi.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be among a host of VVIPs likely to be present at the ceremony.
Various political leaders, including Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and former J-K chief minister Omar Abdullah, have welcomed the Bharat Ratna for the former prime minister.
Vajpayee, a three-time prime minister of India, is the first leader from the Bharatiya Janata Party to be given the country's highest civilian award.