Delhi Transport Minister Satyendra Jain on Sunday pinned the blame on the Delhi Police for the accident in Delhi's Vasant Kunj area and said that he had written to DCP traffic in connection with the repairing of the pothole, where a man fell and died.
Jain said the Delhi police twice confiscated the vehicles sent for the repair work and did not allow the work to progress.
"We had sent men for repairing that pot hole but the Delhi Police denied. We wrote twice to DCP traffic requesting the repair of the pothole. On 14 and 21 July, the Delhi Police confiscated our vehicles which were deployed to repair the damaged and did not allow the work to take place," said Jain.
According to reports, a man was on yesterday was run over by a tanker after his motorcycle fell into a rainwater-filled pothole in south Delhi's Vasant Kunj area.
45-year-old Praveen was riding a motorcycle, which fell into the big pothole near Square Mall in Vasant Kunj and was mowed down by the tanker at around 7:30 pm yesterday.