Bollywood actress Vidya Balan has hailed the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne, after being renamed its brand ambassador, and called it the integration of Indian and Australian culture.
Balan's name was announced during the Victorian Government's trade mission to India.
The 35-year-old actress was best known for her power packed performances in her recent films.
"I think it is incredible that it's not just a film festival, it's a film festival that state sponsors. It is the Indian film festival of Melbourne sponsored by the state of Victoria, that in itself talks about the kind of integration of two cultures that is happening and cultures really the easiest access for any sort of exchange, for strengthening any ties and what better be." said Balan.
The Victorian Government extended its support for the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne, which aimed to strengthen the strong bond that existed between the Victorian and Indian screen industries.
The festival has been a perfect platform for young and upcoming filmmakers and to showcase the best of the films not only from India but also our neighbouring countries.
The film festival will celebrate Indian cinema and will showcase the depth and diversity of the Indian film industry.