Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said that no one is above law and that violence in the name of "faith" will not be tolerated.
"I had said this in my earlier speech too, when I spoke from the Red Fort on August 15 that violence in the name of faith will not be tolerated. Whether it is communal belief systems or subscribing to political ideologies, whether it is allegiance to a person or customs and traditions, nothing in the name of violence will be tolerated," Prime Minister Modi said, while addressing the nation in his monthly radio address, adding that no one has the right to take law into one's own hands in the name of belief.
"In the Constitution given to us by Baba Saheb Ambedkar, there is every provision for ensuring justice for each and every person," he added.
Prime Minister Modi added that news of violence comes amidst festivities "it is only natural to be concerned," adding that India is the land of Mahatma Gandhi and Lord Buddha.
"We have been hearing and saying Ahimsa Parmo Dharmah (the Mahabharata, one of the epics of Hinduism, has multiple mentions of the phrase Ahimsa Paramo Dharma, meaning, non-violence is the highest moral virtue) from our Childhood," he added.
Prime Minister Modi also said that for centuries, nation's forefathers imbibed community values, non-violence, mutual respect which were "inherent to us".
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Modi touched upon a variety of topics in his 'Mann ki Baat' address, including terrorism, violence, and cleanliness among others.