BJP's Barrackpore MP Arjun Singh on Sunday accused Trinamool Congress (TMC) workers of vandalising his car and capturing his party office near Shyamnagar Railway Station in North 24 Parganas district.
Singh stated that he was going for a blood donation camp in the area when he saw a few TMC workers attempting to capture a local BJP office.
"Partho Dato, Sukumar Mitro, Ashish Mukherjee, and other TMC workers were trying to capture our party office. When I went to check, my car was vandalised. The police was also at the spot," said Arjun Singh.
"I was attacked and my car was vandalised. People were protesting peacefully. Police Commissioner Manoj Verma lathicharged on my head and abused me verbally. My residence is also being attacked," Singh said.
The BJP MP alleged that there was no "security or law and order here. Anything can happen here, Even the car of a Member of Parliament is being attacked."
Scores of BJP workers assembled in the area to demonstrate the vandalism of Singh's vehicle.
"Ask anyone under Jagatdal Police station area, no FIR and not even a single report of a political clash has been reported here. Why this unnecessary provocation now?" Singh said.