Wearing a simple white T-shirt with a black 'T' on front make men more attractive to women, a study has revealed.
According to the research conducted by Nottingham Trent University, the 'T' creates an illusion and significantly improves the wearer's waist to chest ratio making the man look more masculine and attractive, News.com.au reported.
The research was conducted on thirty women, who were shown pictures of men with different body shapes, wearing just a plain white T-shirt, and were asked to rate the men's attractiveness, health and intelligence.
They were then asked to do the same for men wearing T-shirts with upright and then upside down 'Ts' on front.
The results of the research revealed that wearing an upright T made the men appear 10 per cent more attractive to the women.
But wearing upside down Ts, reduced their perceived attractiveness by accentuating their stomach and making their hips appear wider.
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The study also concluded that thicker the shape of the 'T', the more attractive the men seemed.
However, it didn't change the men's perceived intelligence, researchers found.