Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Giriraj Singh on Tuesday said that he would follow the directives he receives from the party over his hate speech, following which the Election Commission had ordered an FIR against him.
"I will put my statement in front of the court although; everything is in the public domain and I have complete faith that I will get justice," said Singh.
"I have no complaints against anyone. Whatever the party says, I will do it. The people are watching everything; they know what is happening," he said.
Singh had said that all those who are opposed to Narendra Modi should go to Pakistan as they have no place in India.
Giriraj Singh, who is contesting the Lok Sabha election from Nawada in Bihar, accused Modi's opponents of acting on behalf of Pakistan. He said this at an election rally at Mohanpur Haat Maidan near the temple town of Deogarh in Bihar.
Yesterday, the Election Commission o ordered the Patna district administration to lodge an FIR against Singh for his remark.