The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Thursday said that justice has been delayed but not denied to the victims of 1993 Mumbai terror attacks over the execution of Yakub Memon.
"The law has taken its course. Over 200 people were killed. There were Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs amongst those who were killed. Justice has been delayed but it has been given," said BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain.
"Memon has been hanged, but till the time the others who were involved in the attack are hanged, the victims of the attack will not get justice. The innocent should not suffer and the criminals should not be spared in the eyes of law," he added.
Memon was hanged at the Nagpur Central jail today morning. His body will be handed over to his family according to the Maharashtra Home Department.
Memon's second mercy plea before President Pranab Mukherjee was rejected late last night.
In an unprecedented move, a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court presided over a fresh hearing of the case throughout the intervening night of Wednesday and Thursday before dismissing the final appeal for mercy by Yakub, the only person to be sentenced to death for the series of bombings in Mumbai.
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While Yakub Memon's lawyer Anand Grover had sought a reprieve of 14 days to challenge rejection of mercy plea by the President, Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi maintained that if mercy petitions are filed over and over again, death warrants will never be executed.
The apex court had on Wednesday also dismissed the curative petition of Yakub, saying proper procedure was followed in disposing of Yakub's curative petition.
Memon was convicted for being the "driving spirit" behind the blasts that killed at least 257 people at separate landmarks in the financial capital, including the Bombay Stock Exchange and two crowded markets.