Uttar Pradesh Congress Chief Ajay Kumar Lallu on Saturday targeted the ruling Yogi Adityanath led government over the Unnao rape case and said that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is not serious towards women.
"If the government would have taken any action against it and that too seriously then this incident may not have occurred. This Yogi government is not at all serious about the safety of women. It is sad that 90 incidents have occurred in Uttar Pradesh within a year," he said while speaking to media in Lucknow.
"Women are now worried about their safety. So far, the Chief Minister has not given out any statement on the case. The government must give an answer," the Congress leader further stated and added, "There is a jungle raj in Uttar Pradesh."
After battling for life at Delhi's Safdarjung hospital, the Unnao Rape victim who was set ablaze while on her way to a court hearing on Thursday morning died at 11:40 pm on Friday.
On Thursday, the 23-year-old was airlifted from Lucknow's SMC government hospital to Safdarjung Hospital.
According to the police, five miscreants allegedly threw kerosene on the woman and set her ablaze when she was on her way to a local court for the hearing of a rape case she had filed in March.