The right-leaning National Media Research Planning and Placement examined data from GFK MRI and developed a graphic that shows the preferred wines and spirits of Democrats and Republicans.
The research found that Democrats like Grey Goose and Absolut vodka, while Republicans prefer drinking Ketel One.
Tanqueray gin was also found to be popular with Democrats, the New York Daily News reported.
Overall, Republicans seemed to favor dark liquors, especially whiskey, and their brands included Wild Turkey, Jim Beam and Canadian Club.
However, members of both parties found common ground when it came to alcohol, especially rum. Bacardi, Captain Morgan Spiced Rum and Malibu Coconut were among the bipartisan booze brands.
Democrats were also found to be drinking the most champagne.
According to CNN, Will Feltus and his team at the National Media Research Planning and Placement looked at some 50,000 interviews from 2012 to 2013.