Mark Zuckerberg reportedly posted his picture-based query on Twitter's new app, after he spotted a spider in his bathroom.
The Facebook CEO posted a picture of the creepy spider on the app along with a query asking about the kind of spider it was and whether it was okay to let it living in his shower.
According to ABC News, the Q and A Jelly app has been created by Twitter's co-founder Biz Stone, and requires users to post their questions on the search app with a related picture.
In nine minutes, Zuckerberg's query was answered by Jelly's chief operating officer, Kevin Thau, revealing the type of spider along with a solution to relocate it from the bathroom.
Thau also added a Wikepedia page link about the spider.
Later, Stone tweeted a screen shot of the exchange and heralded it as the first life saved thanks to Jelly.
The Jelly app didn't receive a positive welcome with experts calling it a poor way to compete with search giant Google, while Stone defended his app as one meant for people to help each other.