India's second largest carmaker Hyundai that launched the all new Grand i10 last month, has recorded a superb MoM (Month on Month) growth. The company that however launched the product on 3rd September, dealers across the nation had started taking pre-orders for the car in August itself. So as against 1847 cars booked in August, the September sales went to 8411 units, which means a phenomenon growth of around 355%.
Now, when the festive season is already on, car buyers are finding Grand i10 a pretty good deal, and this has resulted into higher footfalls at Hyundai dealerships across the nation. The reason behind such a curiosity is the good value for money preposition the car offers to its buyers. Though Hyundai i10 was already a huge success, it started seeing dip in its sales when diesel Era pushed the petrol-run car's sales back. So, there was certainly a need for the i10 diesel, and that wish was finally fulfilled by the Grand i10.
The reason why we called the Grand i10 a good value for money product is its pricing, features and definitely refreshing appearance. The base diesel variant of the car costs Rs 5.23 lakh, which is about Rs 35,000 cheaper than the base variant of India's top-selling hatchback Swift. And if one wishes to buy a top end variant of the car, he/she gets more features than Swift offers, that too at a comparatively lesser price.
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The 1.1-litre U2 diesel engine's refinement and a pretty good insulation offered by the Hyundai Grand i10 are two other factors that go in favour of the car. The company is expecting the Grand i10 to do even better in the on-going festive season, and the kind of sensation the car has already created, compel us to trust that.
Source : CarDekho - Hyundai Grand i10 - Hyundai Grand i10 Records over 350% month on month growth