Mahindra has launched its premium pick-up truck Imperio at Rs. 6.25 lac (Ex-showroom, Thane). Imperio is the revamped version of Genio, which was a pick-up, based on the Indian automaker’s Xylo MPV. The car features refreshed aesthetics that include a less utilitarian front fascia, which incorporates silver teeth over a backdrop of black honeycomb grill. The Bonnet incorporates a flared arch, which encased the Mahindra logo and the same treatment is garnered by the fog lamp encasings. Other aesthetic updates include wraparound rectangular headlamps and flared wheel arches.
The interiors of the pick-up are a straight lift from Genio/ Xylo. Imperio is available in both single cab, as well as double cab variants and the top-end models feature creature comforts like power windows, two drive modes (Eco and Power), AC, 2DIN music system, temematics compatibility, engine immobilizer, bucket seats and keyless entry etc.
Under the hood, Imperio is powered by a 2.5-liter diesel mill, which is capable of producing 75bhp of power and 220Nm of peak torque and is similar to that seen in the Genio. The powerplant comes mated to a 5-speed manual transmission, which assists it in achieving a top speed of 120kmph and offering a fuel-economy of 13.55kmpl (not at the same time). As far as its pick-up duties are concerned, Imperio has a payload capacity of 1240kgs and comes with an impressive 211mm of ground clearance.
Also Read
Cab Type | Variant | Price (Ex-showroom, Thane) |
Single Cab BSIII | Mahindra Imperio SC | Rs. 6.25 lac |
Mahindra Imperio SC VX
Rs. 6.60 lac
Single Cab BSIV
Mahindra Imperio SC
Rs. 6.40 lac
Mahindra Imperio SC VX
Rs. 6.75 lakh
Double Cab BSIII
Mahindra Imperio DC
Rs. 6.60 lac
Mahindra Imperio DC VX
Rs. 7.12 lac
Double Cab BSIV
Mahindra Imperio DC
Rs. 6.75 lac
Mahindra Imperio DC VX
Rs. 7.27 lac
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Source : CarDekho