Tata Motors has finally unveiled the all-new compact sedan, Zest, which will be launched by the second half of this year. It will compete against the likes of Honda Amaze, Maruti Swift Dzire and Hyundai Grand i10 sedan. Based on the modified X1 platform, the Zest show Tata Motors new design language which gives it a more glamorous and appealing factor. It features a new Tata grille with the humanity line. Inside the cabin, the compact sedan gets the premium upholstery, next generation HARMAN infotainment system, 5-inch touchscreen display to access music, video and more. The Zest compact sedan gets an advanced bluetooth, voice recognition, text to speech and phone-enabled navigation. CarDekho brings you the clear images of the new Tata Zest directly from the event.
Source : CarDekho - Tata Zest review - Tata Zest compact sedan Image Galllery