Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) are making efforts to target the higher income group (taxable income of more than Rupees 10 lakh) using technology and available information. For the list of consumers already available with OMCs, SMSs have been sent to the consumers to submit self declaration form. Consumers are also provided with on-line facility to declare their income and submit their self declaration in the prescribed form to distributors, if the taxable income of self or his/her spouse exceeds Rs. 10 lakh.
For top 10 metros of the country, where most of the high income tax payers are likely to be residing, a suitable question has been built in the IVRS/SMS platforms for ascertaining the income status of the LPG consumers. During telephonic calls also for refills, this is being done.
Consumer applying for new connection is also required to make declaration of his or his/her spouse of taxable income exceeding Rs. 10 lakh during the previous financial year computed as per Income Tax Act, 1961.
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