ABB India fell 1.18% to Rs 1,186.15 at 14:45 IST on BSE after a bulk deal of 3.35 lakh shares was executed on the scrip at Rs 1,207 per share at 09:26 IST on BSE today, 18 November 2015.
Meanwhile, the S&P BSE Sensex was down 332.50 points or 1.29% at 25,531.97
On BSE, so far 3.38 lakh shares were traded in the counter as against average daily volume of 14,371 shares in the past one quarter.
The stock hit a high of Rs 1,211 and a low of Rs 1,182.05 so far during the day. The stock had hit a 52-week low of Rs 1,021.05 on 29 September 2015. The stock had hit a 52-week high of Rs 1,525 on 19 February 2015.
The stock had outperformed the market over the past one month till 17 November 2015, rising 2.84% compared with Sensex's 4.96% fall. The scrip also outperformed the market in past one quarter, falling 6.37% as against Sensex's 7.22% decline.
The large-cap company has equity capital of Rs 42.38 crore. Face value per share is Rs 2.
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ABB India's net profit rose 30.6% to Rs 58.74 crore on 6.7% growth in total income to Rs 1969.49 crore in Q3 September 2015 over Q3 September 2014.
ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact.
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