Angel One advanced 3.61% to Rs 1645 after the company reported 59.2% rise in consolidated net profit to Rs 213.6 crore on a 35.9% increase in total revenue from operations to Rs 716.7 crore in Q2 FY23 over Q2 FY22.
As compared with Q1 FY23, the company's net profit and revenue are higher by 17.7% and 7%, respectively.
Consolidated EBDAT in Q2 FY23 was Rs 292.6 crore, up by 17.5% from Rs 249.1 crore in Q1 FY23. EBDAT margin stood at 52.4% in Q2 FY23.
The board of directors of the company has recommended dividend of Rs 9 per equity share, as the second interim dividend, equivalent to 35% of consolidated profit after tax, for the quarter
AngelOne witnessed gross client addition of approximately 1.2 million clients in Q2 FY23, down 6.3% QoQ. Total client base in Q2 FY23 was 11.6 million (up 11.1% QoQ).
Average daily turnover rose by 29.5% to Rs 12,20,000 crore in Q2 FY23 over Q1 FY23.
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Dinesh Thakkar, Chairman MD said, Q2 '23 has yet again been a strong quarter for the Indian Capital Markets, as India onboarded 6+ million investors, thus growing the base to nearly 103 million. Retail participation in equities continues to gain momentum, as they gain greater understanding of the virtues of investing in financial assets, over conventional risk free and physical assets.
Angel's strategy to engage with this young cohort early on, especially from the under penetrated Tier 2, 3 and beyond cities, is reflected in our robust performance. We also expanded our market share in demat accounts, active clients and retail turnover, whilst improving our financial performance.
Narayan Gangadhar, chief executive officer said, Our digital strategy, the key driver of growth, enabled us to contribute nearly 19% of additional demat accounts opened in the country, thus steadily expanding our overall demat market share to 11.3% as of September 2022. Our retail turnover market share expanded to 21.7%, in a growing market.
Angel One is the largest listed retail stock broking house in India, in terms of active clients on NSE. The company provides broking and advisory services, margin funding, loans against shares and distribution of third-party financial products to its clients. The broking and allied services are offered through online and digital platforms and network of authorized persons.
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