Apollo Micro Systems rose 0.82% at Rs 122.75 at 11:25 IST on BSE after the company bagged a supply order from Bharat Dynamics, a Defence Public Sector Undertaking worth Rs 12.99 crore.
The announcement was made after market hours yesterday, 23 January 2019.Meanwhile, the S&P BSE Sensex was up 53.96 points or 0.15% at 36,162.43
Apollo Micro Systems net profit rose 25.2% to Rs 9.29 crore on 37.5% rise in total income to Rs 78.02 crore in Q2 September 2018 over Q2 September 2017.
Apollo Micro Systems is an electronic, electro-mechanical, engineering designs, manufacturing and supplies company. The company designs, develops and sells high-performance, mission and time critical solutions to defence, space and home land security for Ministry of Defence, government controlled public sector undertakings and private sectors.
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