Valued at around Rs.450 crore, the order has been placed on BHEL by NALCO for its 5 Stream Alumina Refinery Expansion Project at Damanjodi, Odisha.
BHEL's scope in the contract includes design, engineering, manufacturing, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 1x300 TPH Coal Fired Boiler, 18.5 MW Steam Turbine Generator and associated auxiliaries, including FGD and SCR.
With this order, BHEL has not only maintained its track record of supplying all of NALCO's power plants, for both their Smelter plant (10x120 MW) at Angul and Alumina Refinery plant (5x18.5 MW) at Damanjodi, but will also be contributing to the Govt. of India's 'Make in India' initiative.
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