At meeting held on 19 December 2014
Quasar India announced that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on 19 December 2014, have taken the following decisions :1. Alteration of Object clause of MOA: The Board considered the matter to alter the main objects of the company by insertion of a new clause, subject to the passing of Special resolution of Shareholders by means of a Postal Ballot.
2. Sub division: Sub division of equity shares of the Company from Rs. 10/- to Re. 1/- subject to the passing of Special resolution of Shareholders by means of a Postal Ballot.
3. Alteration of AOA: Adoption of new set of articles pursuant to new Companies Act, 2013 subject to the passing of Special resolution of Shareholders by means of a Postal Ballot.
4. Approving of the draft Notice of Postal Ballot: The Board also approved the draft Notice of Postal Ballot, alongwith the draft Special Resolution and Explanatory Statement u/s 102(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 to be sent to the Shareholders of the Company.
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