Financial Outlay:
The financial outlay for the KVK Scheme [including Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture (DKMA)] for 2017-20 shall be of Rs 2,82,400.72 lakh.
KVKs would act as knowledge and resource centre in the field of agriculture in the district and would build models of technology uptake and farmers' empowerment leading to support Government of India's initiative of doubling farmers' income.
The special programmes which shall be initiated through the KVK Scheme are:
a Network Project on New Extension Methodologies and Approaches; Nutri-sensitive Agricultural Resources and Innovations (NARI);
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programs tilted Knowledge Systems and Homestead Agriculture Management in Tribal Areas (KSHAMTA),
Value Addition and Technology Incubation Centres in Agriculture (VATICA),
Farm Innovation Resource Management (FIRM) and
establishment of Agricultural Technology Information Centre.
Besides, Rain Water Harvesting, Integrated Farming System (IFS) Processing, Fish seed production, ICT enabled services, green agriculture and strengthening of soil health program shall also be supported. Further two important programmes approved include the Farmer FIRST at 52 centres and Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA) for 100 Districts.
The ARYA component is being implemented currently in 25 States through KVKs, one district from each State with technical partners from ICAR Institutes and Agricultural Universities for taking up entrepreneurial activities through skill development of rural youth leading to employment generation. During the year 2015-16, and 2016-17, youth numbering 1,100 and 4,400 respectively have been engaged through ARYA. It is, planned to enlarge this component to cover 100 districts by adding 75 more districts during 2017-20 period. The capacity development of farmers and vocational training to youth (about 14 lakh annually) will improve fruitful engagement in farming.
KVK may facilitate convergence and act as the nodal agency of several schemes of the Department of Agriculture Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Food Processing Industries and other Departments and Ministries focused on agricultural and rural development through schemes like the Soil Health Card Scheme, the ParamparagatKrishiVikasYojana, RashtriyaKrishiVikasYojana, the Pradhan MantriKrishiSinchaiYojana; the National Gokul Mission; the National Livestock Mission and the Pradhan MantriKisan SAMPADA Yojana to address issues relating to micro irrigation, Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Livestock Management, Processing and Value addition and use of mobile technology etc.
KVK Scheme:
The KVK scheme is functioning on 100% Central funding pattern under the ambit of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE). Till 31.3.2017, 669 KVKs have been established, which are functioning as district level Farm Science Centres, the mandate being, Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its Application and Capacity Development. The activities include on-farm testing of technologies and demonstrations, capacity development of farmers and extension personnel, functioning as a knowledge and resource centre of agricultural technologies, providing farm advisories using ICT and other media means on varied subjects of interest to farmers. In addition, KVKs produce quality technological products (seed, planting material, bio-agents, livestock) and make it available to farmers; organize frontline extension activities; identify and document selected farm innovations; and ensure convergence with ongoing schemes and programmes.
Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture (DKMA) is mandated for dissemination and sharing of agricultural knowledge and information through value added information products in print, electronic and web mode; development of e-resources on agricultural knowledge; and information for global exposure, facilitation for strengthening e-connectivity among institutes of the ICAR, Agricultural Universities (AUs) and KVKs; and capacity building for agricultural knowledge management and communication.
Achievements under KVK:
In addition to the regular mandated activities, some of the remarkable achievements of KVKs during XII Plan Include, establishment of 97 Pulses Seed Hubs and organising 1,11,150 technology demonstrations on pulses leading to its record production during 2016-17; sensitization about climate change effect and implementing mitigation strategies by establishing 151 climate smart villages in different climate stressed regions; developing a successful model of custom hiring centre being adopted by State Governments; facilitating adoption of conservation agriculture specially raised bed planting of soybean (3 million hectare in Madhya Pradesh) and resource conservation technologies including Zero tillage, laser land levelling and Happy Seeder (Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar); creating a platform of convergence at KVK level for educating farmers about benefits of soil health and involving agricultural students in soil testing process; linking 13,500 villages with research system under MeraGaonMera Gaurav initiative; empowering 4400 youth for initiating economic enterprises under program titled "Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA)" and involving 20,000 farm family in participatory technology adaptation process under the Farmer FIRST Project.
100 KVKs have started skill development program and 154 KVKs were further added for skill development, in association with the Ministry of Skill Development. KVKs are also mainstreaming indigenous knowledge and practices including those available in tribal areas in the research programmes of the National Agricultural Research System (NARS). During the last Plan period, 5500 germplasm accessions with unique characters and potential to cope vulnerabilities were identified and registered with the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority, which would be utilised in developing new varieties.
KVKs are in the forefront for awareness creation through participatory approach. In the recently held "Sankalp Se Siddhi" program conducted by 564 KVKs as many as 49 Union Ministers, 284 M.P.s, 111 State Government Ministers, 300 MLAs and large number of Senior Government Officials participated along with Five lakh farmers.
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