Chowgule Steamships net profit declines 2.48% in the June 2013 quarter
Capital MarketNet profit of Chowgule Steamships declined 2.48% to Rs 1.97 crore in the quarter ended June 2013 as against Rs 2.02 crore during the previous quarter ended June 2012. Sales declined 12.15% to Rs 3.47 crore in the quarter ended June 2013 as against Rs 3.95 crore during the previous quarter ended June 2012.
ParticularsQuarter EndedJun. 2013Jun. 2012% Var.Sales3.473.95
-12 OPM %-4.32103.54
-104 PBDT0.334.26
-92 PBT-1.364.01
PL NP1.972.02
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