Container Corporation of India (CONCOR) surged 4.16% to Rs 656.55 after the company's consolidated net profit soared 327% to Rs 259.23 crore in Q1 FY22 from Rs 60.61 crore posted in Q1 FY21.
Consolidated net sales jumped 52.4% to Rs 1,819.94 crore in Q1 FY22 from Rs 1,194.20 crore reported in Q1 FY21. Profit before tax jumped 374% to Rs 340.77 crore in Q1 FY22 over Q1 FY21.
CONCOR is engaged in transportation of containers (rail and road), and handling of containers. The firm is also engaged in the operation of logistics facilities, including dry ports, container freight stations and private freight terminals.
As of 30 June 2021, Government of India held 54.8% stake in the company.
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