The export of soybean meal is at a historical low during current year and reported 61,556 tons during the first nine months of the financial year 2015-16 compared to 444,736 tons in the previous year 2014-15 and 2,010,788 tons during the same period of 2013-14. Currently FOB/FAS Indian soybean meal is quoted at US$ 490 per ton against Argentina origin soybean meal CIF Rotterdam at US$ 331 per ton. Indian soybean meal is nearly out priced by US$ 160 per ton in international market.
The alarming declines of Indian oilseeds production and crushing are going along with booming import demand for vegetable oils and have brought oilmeal exports from India almost to a standstill. The Association has pleaded with the Central Government for reducing the import duty to 5-10% from the current 30% on high oil content oilseeds like rapeseed/mustard(canola) and sunflower seed. This will have a multitude of advantages viz. reduce import of edible oils, larger availability of oilmeals for local consumption by feed industry and export. Increase value addition in India thus contribute towards the Prime Ministers Make-in-India Programme. Further the oilseeds imports will not have any adverse impact on the farmers as they are protected with an assured M.S.P. by the Government.
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