FDI inflows declined 0.6% to US$ 20.76 billion in April-February FY2014
Foreign direct investment (FDI) into India moved up 12.3% to US$ 2.01 billion in February 2014, recording increase for the second straight month. The FDI inflows has stood at US$ 1.79 billion in February 2013. In January 2014, FDI had increased 1.5% to US$ 2.18 billion.For the April-February FY2014, FDI inflows declined 0.6% to US$ 20.76 billion, compared to inflows of $20.89 billion during the corresponding period of FY2014.
During April-February FY2014, the services sector attracted the highest FDI inflows of US$ 2.18 billion, followed by automobiles at US$ 1.28 billion, pharmaceuticals at US$ 1.27 billion and construction development at US$ 1.05 billion.
Country wise, Mauritius led the inflows into India with US$ 4.48 billion, followed by Singapore at US$ 3.91 billion, UK at US$ 3.21 billion and the Netherlands at US$ 2.20 billion.
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