Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Company fell 3.31% to Rs 84.60 at 12:28 IST on BSE after net profit fell 21.4% to Rs 32.74 crore on 35.2% growth in net sales to Rs 870.93 crore in Q1 June 2012 over Q1 June 2011.
The company announced the results after market hours on Tuesday, 31 July 2012.
Meanwhile, the BSE Sensex was up 13.90 points or 0.08% to 17,250.08.
On BSE, 20,000 shares were traded in the counter as against average daily volume of 22,462 shares in the past one quarter.
The stock hit a high of Rs 88 and a low of Rs 84.50 so far during the day.
The stock had outperformed the market over the past one month till 31 July 2012, rising 2.58% compared with the Sensex's 1.11% fall. The scrip had also outperformed the market in past one quarter, jumping 7.36% as against Sensex's 0.48% fall.
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Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Company (GNFC) is one of the leading companies in the fertilizer industry in India. The company distributes nitrogenous and phosphatic fertilizers like urea, ammonium nitro phosphate (ANP) and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN), and chemicals like ammonia, weak nitric acid, concentrated nitric acid, methanol, acetic acid, formic acid, aniline, toluene di-isocyanate (TDI).
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