Shares of HealthCare Global Enterprises settled at Rs 170.95 on BSE, a discount of 21.58% compared with the initial public offer price of Rs 218 on its debut on the bourses today, 30 March 2016.
The stock debuted at Rs 209.80 on BSE, a discount of 3.76% compared with its initial public offer (IPO) price. The stock hit a high of Rs 211 and a low of Rs 169 in intraday trade. On BSE, 28.86 lakh shares were traded on the counter.
Based on consolidated financial performance, HealthCare Global Enterprises (HGEL) reported net loss of Rs 3.71 crore on sales of Rs 378.89 crore for eight months ended November 2015. The company reported a net profit of Rs 0.55 crore on sales of Rs 519.38 crore for the year ended 31 March 2015.
HGEL is a provider of speciality healthcare in India, focused on cancer and fertility. Under the HCG brand, the company operates the largest cancer care network in India in terms of the total number of private cancer treatment centres licensed by the AERB. HGEL also provides fertility treatment under the Milann brand.
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