Meanwhile, the BSE Sensex was up 67.01 points, or 0.34%, to 19,848.20.
On BSE, 3,363 shares were traded in the counter as against an average daily volume of 29,595 shares in the past one quarter.
The stock hit a high of Rs 1,830.70 and a low of Rs 1,812.20 so far during the day. The stock had hit a record high of Rs 2,278.50 on 2 May 2012. The stock had hit a 52-week low of Rs 1,720 on 18 January 2013.
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The stock had underperformed the market over the past one month till 1 February 2013, falling 4.47% compared with the Sensex's 1.02% rise. The scrip had also underperformed the market in past one quarter, falling 4.82% as against Sensex's 6.57% rise.
India's largest motorcycle maker by sales has an equity capital of Rs 39.94 crore. Face value per share is Rs 2.
Hero MotoCorp's net profit fell 20.41% to Rs 487.89 crore on 2.8% growth in net sales to Rs 6151.31 crore in Q3 December 2012 over Q3 December 2011.
Hero MotoCorp is the world's largest two-wheeler manufacturer in terms of production capacity.
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