Sentiment on equities was boosted, after China's customs office said on Thursday morning the country's overseas shipments had increased 3.3 per cent from a year earlier last month in US dollar terms. Chinese stocks also got a lift from international index compiler MSCI, which said on Thursday it will raise the weighting of mainland China traded shares on its gauge tracking emerging markets, following the market close on August 27. After the rebalance, Chinese stocks will account for 2.5 per cent of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.
Blue chips were mixed. HSBC (00005) was flat at HK$60.2. HKEX (00388) edged up 0.1% to HK$246.8. Tencent (00700) jumped 1.1% to HK$342.4. China Mobile (00941) nudged down 0.2% to HK$63.05. AIA (01299) added 0.5% to HK$77.2. CLP (00002) dipped 0.9% to HK$84.35.
Chinese automakers rose across the board, with Geely Automobile (00175) soaring 3.9% to HK$11.22. Dongfeng Motor (00489) surged 7.2% to HK$6.69 on talks that the company plans to sell its stake in PSA. Brilliance China Automotive (01114) climbed 1.1% to HK$7.09. BYD (01211) rebounded 2% to HK$43.8. Great Wall Motor (02333) gained 2.3% to HK$4.86. GAC Group (02238) shot up 3.6% to HK$7.47.
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