Improving the Farming of Pulses and Oilseeds
During 2015-16, a total of 299 ICAR-KVKs were engaged for cluster demonstration on oilseeds. In 2016-17, 423 ICAR-KVKs will demonstrate improved varieties, crop production, protection technologies of oilseeds.In order to enhance the production and productivity of pulses and oilseeds, Government of India is implementing schemes like National Food Security Mission-Pulses (NFSM) from 2007-08 and National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) from 2014-15 in the country.
Under NFSM-Pulses and NMOOP financial assistance are provided to farmers through State Government for various interventions like:
Production and distribution of quality seeds of new varieties
Demonstration of improved technologies
Distribution of bio-pesticides, weedicides, micronutrients, gypsum, lime, bio-fertilizer
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Farm machinery & implements
Water carrying pipes, drip, sprinkler
Capacity building of farmers.
Besides, minikits of pulses and oilseeds are distributed to the farmers free of cost mainly to introduce new varieties through State Government and Central seed agencies.
Under NFSM few new initiatives have been taken up for increasing production and productivity of pulses during 2016-17.
93 Seed Hubs have been created through ICAR, State Agricultural Universities and Krishi Vigyan Kendras for ensuring the availability of new variety seeds.
15% of the allocation of pulses under NFSM is earmarked for production of quality seeds through State Government.
To increase the availability of breeder seed of pulses, ICAR Institute and State Agricultural universities have been supported.
Apart from NFSM and NMOOP, under Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP) of National Mission of Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET) a component namely Seed Village Programme is in operation to upgrade the quality of farm saved seed. Similarly under the component certified seed production of pulses, oilseeds through seed village financial assistance is available for distribution of foundation/certified seeds of pulses and for production of certified seeds of oilseeds.
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