Government of India has launched National Food Security Mission (NFSM) in 2007-08 to increase production of rice, wheat and pulses. The details of increase in production of rice, wheat and pulses during XI Plan are as under:
Name of CropProduction ( million tonnes)
Increase(Million tonnes)
2011-12Rice 93.36 105.30 11.94Wheat 75.81 94.88 19.07Pulses 14.20 17.09 2.89Mid-term and final evaluation of National Food Security Mission (NFSM) for 11th Five Year Plan has been conducted by an independent agency and reports have been received. The outcome of report reveals that Mission has helped in widening the food basket of the country with sizeable contributions coming from NFSM districts. The various interventions of the mission have been instrumental in bringing about significant yield gain to the farmers resulting into increase in their income level. The various suggestions/ recommendations like use of seed of newer varieties, farm machinery and implements and water saving devices etc. for increasing productivity of crops are being promoted.
NFSM is being implemented in 29 states of country. The details of districts and states covered is given as under:-
Name of component No. of States No. of DistrictsNFSM-Rice 25 194NFSM-Wheat 11 126NFSM-Pulses 29 638NFSM-Coarse Cereals 28 265Powered by Capital Market - Live News