3. Recalling the historical and cultural bonds that connect the two peoples, the two sides noted that their shared commitment to values of democracy, open society and liberal international economic order has further strengthened the foundation of the ROK-India Special Strategic Partnership. The two leaders resolved to add new substance, speed and content in the partnership in a wide range of areas including foreign affairs, defense, trade and investment, science and technology, culture and people-to-people exchanges and regional cooperation to take the bilateral relations to a qualitatively higher level.
Political and Security Relations
4. India sees the ROK as an indispensable partner in its "Act East" strategy, and the ROK and India recognize the value of the bilateral partnership and its contribution to bringing peace, stability and security in the Asia Pacific Region. President Park informed Prime Minister Modi about ROK's Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative (NAPCI). Prime Minister welcomed ROK's desire to enhance cooperation and security among countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The two leaders agreed that the two sides should work together to find complementarities between NAPCI and Act East Policy to achieve shared goals.
5. The two sides agreed to further intensify bilateral high-level exchanges. They shared the view that bilateral defence and security cooperation has large potential to grow.
6. Welcoming the visit of the Speaker of the Korean National Assembly to India in May 2015, the two sides hoped for increased exchange of India-Korea parliamentary delegations. They shared the view that the exchange of India-Korea parliamentary delegations will contribute towards greater interaction and understanding between the two Parliaments.
7. To substantiate the Special Strategic Partnership the two sides agreed to the following:
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a. Establish annual Summit meetings, in either country, or on the margins of plurilateral events;
b. Hold Joint Commissions led by the two Foreign Ministers annually;
c. Facilitate greater parliamentary exchanges to strengthen democratic institutions in their respective regions;
d. Strengthen the partnerships between Indian and Korean institutions of defense education, including the National Defence College of India and the National Defense University of Korea, by activating the dispatch of military officers for education;
e. Further strengthen regular consultations between the National Security Council structures of the two countries on security, defence and cyber related issues;
f. Establish a joint Vice Ministerial level defence and foreign affairs dialogue in the "2+2" Format;
g. Encourage greater cooperation between their shipyards for defence needs;
h. Pursue further deepening of defence cooperation through commencement of staff level talks between the two navies and regular exchanges of visits between the two armed forces;
i. Seek the means of the cyber security cooperation to prepare against transnational cyber threats;
j. Cooperate appropriately in the area of UN Peacekeeping; and
k. Hold a track 1.5 dialogue annually between Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security of ROK (IFANS) - Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA).
Trade and Investment
8. President Park welcomed India's 'Make in India' initiative as it provides new avenues to enrich and add substance to the bilateral relations. Prime Minister Modi invited the ROK to become a privileged partner in 'Make in India' to which President Park conveyed her appreciation. Both leaders acknowledged that trade and investment between both countries have enormous potential for further development. They directed their respective officials to undertake in-depth consultations to leverage fully the potential of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of India and to make full use of the current discussion mechanisms under the CEPA, such as the Joint Committee, for that purpose.
9. Recognizing the salience of trade and investment to the bilateral partnership, the leaders called upon the business community from India and Korea to leverage the enormous synergies between their economies for mutual prosperity. The leaders welcomed:
a. Signing of the revised Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement;
b. The Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the Export-Import Bank of Korea expressed their intention to provide US $10 billion for mutual cooperation in infrastructure, comprising Economic Development Cooperation Fund (US $ 1 billion) and export credits (US $ 9 billion) for priority sectors, including smart cities, railways, power generation and transmission, and other sectors to be agreed. The two governments and the EXIM Banks of the two countries will hold consultations to chalk out a roadmap in order to materialize the envisioned financial support for priority sectors;
c. Commencement of negotiations to amend the India-Korea CEPA by June 2016 with a view to achieving qualitative and quantitative increase of trade through an agreed roadmap;
d. Mutual cooperation to be explored for enabling cities with updated technologies including smart grids for building of smart cities, in view of their crucial influence on improving the quality of residential environments and achieving sustainable economic development;
e. Cooperation in the steel sector by encouraging the steel industry of both countries to develop mutually beneficial projects;
f. Interest of companies of the two countries in cooperation in the area of shipbuilding, including the construction of Indian vessels such as LNG carriers. The Indian government expressed its hope to discuss partnership with Korea with an aim to modernize the Indian shipbuilding industry. The governments of both countries decided to provide support for facilitating private sector discussion on ways to cooperate in this area. A Joint Working Group that includes the government and private sectors of the two countries will be established to facilitate cooperation in the shipbuilding sector;
g. Cooperation for stable maritime transport, possible joint business projects in the area of shipping and logistics, and promotion of employment of both countries' seafarers;
h. Cooperation to expedite the necessary procedures for mutual export of fresh fruits and horticultural products;
i. Progress made in establishment of the Korean Industrial Park in the State of Rajasthan. They agreed that the Industrial Park will help Korean small and medium enterprises to benefit from 'Make in India' initiative. They shared the same view that it is desirable to establish more offices of both countries' respective trade agencies, including KOTRA, to facilitate trade, investment and industrial cooperation between the two countries;
j. The first meeting of the Korea-India CEO Forum which will be held in Seoul on 19 May 2015. The CEO Forum will play a significant role to boost exchanges and dialogues between enterprises of the two countries, enhance mutual investment and further pragmatic bilateral business cooperation; and
k. The decision to set up an India-Korea Joint Working Group in the field of Electronics Hardware manufacturing to enhance co-operation and facilitate business collaboration through joint ventures and technology transfer on a commercial basis between Indian and Korean electronics manufacturing companies, and the creation of a business friendly environment in this field.
10. Reaffirming the important role that friendly contact between the Indian and Korean people has played in building this partnership, the two leaders welcomed and encouraged the ongoing efforts, including through an aviation cooperation conference, by their respective civil aviation authorities to amend the bilateral Air Services Agreement with a view to enhancing flight connectivity and to covering more cities.
Technology, Energy and Environment
11. President Park lauded Prime Minister's Swacch Bharat Abhiyan as an effort to transform India. Recognizing that Saemaul Undong (SMU), Korea's successful rural development initiative in the 1970s, can make a substantial contribution to accomplishing the vision of Swacch Bharat Abhiyan, the two leaders agreed that both sides would promote cooperation to create synergies by combining development experiences of both sides.
12. Recognizing the integral link between economic growth, preservation of environment and clean energy, India and Korea agreed to enhance exchanges between their respective Ministries and agencies.
13. Lauding the Korean Green Economy initiative, India expressed willingness to work with Korea for mutually-beneficial partnerships in deploying innovative policies and technologies to improve urban water and air quality and to protect natural resources.
14. The two leaders expressed their appreciation on ongoing cooperation in science & technology and noted that joint R&D projects are being implemented in focused areas of Renewable Energy, Materials Science, Robotics & Engineering Sciences and Health Sciences. The leaders further emphasized that both sides should develop strong academia-industry connect programmes in areas such as Cleantech, Robotics & Automation and Electronics System Design & Manufacturing (ESDM), which can address economic and societal challenges of the two countries.
15. Two sides agreed that cooperation in space sector has many possibilities. They welcomed the agreement between Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) to pursue cooperation in the areas of lunar exploration, satellite navigation and space science and application as below:
a. Deep space cross tracking and communication support for Korean and Indian deep space missions;
b. Sharing of data of lunar surface and radiation data collected by Chandrayan-1;
c. Collaboration in GAGAN-KASS interoperability and sharing experience in GAGAN (GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation system) and KASS (Korea Augmentation Satellite System);
d. Technological cooperation in the field of space science and its application, satellite launch, and other areas they agree; and
e. Holding working-level talks regularly between ISRO and KARI to strengthen the substantive way of cooperation in the areas mentioned above.
Culture, Education and People-to-People Exchanges
16. In view of the long history of cultural contact between the Indian and Korean people, President Park welcomed Prime Minister Modi's decision to send a full Festival of India in Korea in autumn of 2015. India also welcomed an opportunity to host a Festival of Korea in India in 2016. In this context, the two leaders also welcomed efforts to strengthen their historic connection by enhancing linkages of Korean people with Ayodhya, and agreed to upgrade the monument for Queen Suriratna /Hur Hwang-ok in Ayodhya as a joint project between the two sides. President Park expressed deep appreciation of Korean people for the gift of holy Bodhi tree sapling.
17. The President and the Prime Minister called for an intensification of youth delegations to encourage greater understanding and interaction between the future leaders of the two countries. Indian side expressed interest in enhancing cooperation among educational institutes of the two sides, including among relevant technological institutes and in language teaching.
18. Both leaders agreed to encourage establishment of twin city and twin province/state relationships to deepen and broaden people-to-people exchanges.
19. Korea invited India to participate in the exhibition titled Masterpieces of Early Buddhist Sculpture, 100 BCE-700CE which will commemorate National Museum of Korea's 10th anniversary of reconstruction and opening to the public. India welcomed the invitation and agreed to actively cooperate for the exhibition. The two leaders hoped to promote mutual understanding and appreciation between the two countries, and to broaden cultural relations of the two countries. In addition, they agreed to further explore cooperation on preservation, restoration, and joint research in the field of cultural heritage of both countries.
20. India invited Korea to participate in the two day seminar on Shared Heritage as New Variable in the Indo-Korean Relations: Historicizing the Legend of Princess from Ayodhya and its Legacy being organized by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) in collaboration with India International Center in New Delhi. Korea welcomed the invitation.
Regional and Multilateral Cooperation
21. The two leaders underlined the paramount importance of peace and stability on the Korean peninsula. In this regard, they expressed concern over the development of DPRK's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, which is in violation of its international obligations and commitments. They urged the DPRK to fully comply with all of its international obligations, including under the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, and to fulfil its commitments under the 2005 Joint Statement of the Six-Party Talks. Prime Minister Modi expressed support for President Park's efforts to build trust in the Korean peninsula and to lay the groundwork for peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula.
22. Recognizing the increasing and evolving threat posed to world peace and stability from international terrorism, the two leaders reiterated their commitment to the eradication of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and called on international community to work closely to address this challenge. They called for an early conclusion of negotiations on the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. They recognized the need to eliminate terrorist safe havens and infrastructure, disrupt terrorist networks and their financing, and stop cross-border movement of terrorists, including by implementing the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions, as well as enhancing countering violent extremism efforts. They called on all States to work sincerely to achieve these objectives.
23. President Park highlighted her Eurasia Initiative and the Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative (NAPCI), and agreed to explore ways to work with India's Act East and Connect Central Asia policies for the common prosperity of the region. Prime Minister Modi also expressed his willingness to explore ways to work with the NAPCI and the Eurasia Initiative for the peace and stability of the region and beyond.
24. India and the ROK underlined their shared interest in strengthening global non-proliferation objectives. The ROK took note of India's wish to join the international export control regimes and agreed that India's entry will have a positive influence on strengthening the global non-proliferation regimes. The ROK expressed its support for India's early membership of the four multilateral export control regimes, namely, the Nuclear Suppliers Group, Missile Technology Control Regime, Australia Group and Wassenaar Arrangement, based upon consensus within each regime.
25. Recognizing the need for comprehensive UN reforms including Security Council expansion to make the body more representative, accountable and effective, both sides agreed to work towards UNSC reforms to reflect contemporary realities and include major developing countries.
26. Prime Minister Modi thanked President Park and the Government and People of the ROK for the warmth of their hospitality. The two leaders agreed that this Summit meeting had qualitatively raised the partnership to the next level. Prime Minister Modi invited President Park to visit India again soon to ensure that the high momentum of this partnership is sustained. President Park accepted the invitation with pleasure.
27. During the visit following Agreements and MOUs were signed in the presence of the two leaders:
a. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the Republic of Korea for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income;
b. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the Republic of Korea on Cooperation in Audio-Visual Co-production;
c. MOU for Cooperation between the National Security Council Secretariat of the Republic of India and the Office of National Security of the Republic of Korea ;
d. MOU between the Ministry of Power of the Republic of India and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the Republic of Korea concerning Cooperation in the field of Electric Power Development and New Energy Industries;
e. MOU between the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Republic of India and the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family of the Republic of Korea on Cooperation in Youth Matters;
f. Framework of Cooperation in the Field of Road Transport and Highways between the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways of the Republic of India and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea; and
g. MOU between the Ministry of Shipping of the Republic of India and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea on Cooperation in the Fields of Maritime Transport and Logistics.
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