Interacting with the members of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry here today, the High Commissioner also offered the Canadian capacities of housing sector to build Smart Cities in India provided such cities are conceptualized to satisfy the global investors at both - top and bottom line.
The direct flight between New Delhi to Toronto and vice versa would lead to cementing the trade and socio economic ties of the two countries which was called off way back in 2007 is also a follow up action of the recent Prime Minister visit to Canada a few months ago, pointed out the High Commissioner.
The re-launch of the air linkages between India and Canada would happen with great pump and show and also inspire both the nations to accelerate their trade and commerce as also movement of natural persons, said Mr. Patel.
He lamented that the trade of Canada with India is just 1/12 of its trade with China and now the time has come when both the countries should move forward to proactively open up the prevailing trade barriers so that the potential that exist for expansion of trade and commerce can be realized in the field of agriculture, energy, aero space, communication, pulses and edible oils including education.
Canada would also be keen to share its house building capacities with India particularly in view of the recent focus of the Prime Minister to build Smart Cities across India provided the parameters are laid out so that the global investors are able to adopt land escapes to building Smart Cities, even on renovating the prevailing ones'.
The Interactive Session was presided over by the President of the Chamber Mr. Alok B. Shriram who welcomed the re-launch of direct air linkages between India and Canada as also complemented the Canadian High Commissioner for offering his country's capacities to building Smart Cities in India.
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